Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Hope and a Future...

  "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

I've started a few of these blogs, but can never finish.. I start out strong and then fizzle out. The past few weeks has been some kinda crazy emotional roller coaster ride.. and I'm ready to get off at any point now.. However normally when something's up (or down..).. God's got a plan to teach me something..  

I've been excitedly planning my upcoming school trip to Australia... and then life hits you kinda hard. Normally in the way of something simple.. like a little white envelope labeled "Bill." (I don't know why they keep sending me his mail... anyways..) So I started praying and going over everything to figure what would be the best way to raise support and take care of things at home before I leave in 8 (well.. now officially 7) weeks! 

Then I received news that kinda shook me up a bit: someone who had been close to me last year, recently passed away. This news hit me hard. I have only had a couple of people close to me pass away, and they were older and we were expecting it. This was a shock. Someone who was so young, and had so much life to live.. and now they were gone. It took me a bit (still taking me awhile to grasp it.) that someone who laughed and loved and lived and experienced life.. isn't here anymore on this earth. I had several people listen and talk to me, and let me cry and vent. But the biggest thing that helped was the simple: "Just know I'm praying for you." There's not a lot to say sometimes that'll make you feel better when you're going through something. It got to a point where I wasn't sure how to handle it. I started reading a lot of Psalms, and letting God tell me through His word that He was there, people were praying for me, and that He hadn't left me. I felt the ability to go through daily tasks, and surrounded myself with friends and family that love me and make me laugh. It is sad that someone lost their life.. but my life is still going, and I didn't want it to come to a stand still. I'm still in a time of mourning, but God's showing me that I need to continue with my life and my plans.. That He's created a life for me that has a hope.. and a future. I'm so grateful for His strength and promises for a hope.

So praying over everything that's been going on.. plus my finances and taking care of things before I go (If anyone wants to buy some dishes.. let me know!!) I've been discussing the fact of not going to the Creative DTS in July. I have the opportunity to either wait till next year, or hop on-board the next DTS. Sooooo...I'm seeing about changing to the Compassion DTS!! It starts on October the 2nd, and ends on March 16th, 2012. Compassion has a mercy-focused ministries. The outreach will be anything from working with children in Asia, to evangelizing to brothel owners in Eastern Europe. So far, they have announced three of the four outreach locations. I'm very excited to have the chance to work in these areas. It's a step up from what I've done as a teenager, and I believe it'll stretch me out of my comfort zone. My constant prayer is that God will mold me into a woman who reflects my Heavenly Father.

For my prayer requests.. I've had a few people asking!!

I really need prayer for:

  • A prayer partner group - I'd like a few close people who will kind be on my "team Jessyca". Ones to help handle things back home in case something happens, but also a very close support group for more personal needs. Anyone want to be apart of this.. just holler :) 
  • New church family - I go to a certain church when I can, but with work, it's not been possible lately. I'm hoping to find a church family closer to home, where I feel at home and a connection with the people. Finding a new church always makes me feel nervous! LOL 
  • "Taking care of the Others".. The "Others" is the big elephant in the room that keeps following me, and I don't like looking at it! I've got a few things that needs to be taken care of before I go. Without going into a lot of detail, I just need prayer that doors will open to where I can take of my leftover debt as quickly as I can, so I can focus all my resources more on this trip.
  • My car. I love my car.. but I can't take it to Australia with me! I'm hoping I can find someone to buy it.
  • My storage unit and... storage...stuff. I have a storage unit filled to the brim with stuff leftover from my old house. I need to go through it.. huge undertaking.. prayer for strength and wisdom with what to do with it! Once again.. anyone need dishes?? :) 
  • Support raising opportunities and open doors.
  • My nerves! 
  • Visas and Plane Tickets.. I'm starting to look.. 
  • Keep praying for the decision to go from the Creative DTS and Compassion DTS.. I'd be excited to do either, but I will admit that I'll be a little bit disappointed over losing the creativity focus. I do think there's a reason I need to go on Compassion though. So pray for peace over that decision, so I can continue my journey!!

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